Cart Strings
Cart string consists of all the dynamic texts. messages and labels inside go cart. It also consists of an option to enable/disable dynamic texts in cart for making it compatible with multi-lingual websites.
Cart Title - The title for the cart modal. It is displayed in the header section of the cart modal.
Extra Button Label - The label for extra button.
Checkout Button Label - The label for the Checkout Button. When clicked, you'll be directed to the checkout page.
Empty Cart Text - The text when cart is empty.
Subtotal Amount Label - The label for sub total amount.
Discount Amount Label - The label for discount amount.
Shipping Amount Label - The label for shipping amount.
Shipping Address Toggle Label - The label for link to shipping section for changing shipping address.
Tax Amount Label - The label for tax amount.
Total Amount Label - The label for total amount.
Coupon Modal Toggle Label - The label for the button to open the coupon modal.
Coupon Modal Close Label - The label for the button to close the coupon modal.
Coupon Form Description - The description for the form to add coupon code.
Coupon Apply Button Label - The label for the button to apply coupon. The button is displayed below the coupon input field.
Initial Shopping Meter Notice : The message that is displayed before a customer's cart amount meets the threshold amount. To display the remaining to meet the threshold amount, use
placeholder.Final Shopping Meter Notice : The message that is displayed after the customer's cart amount meets the threshold amount.
Close Shipping Modal Label : Label for link to close shipping modal.
Added to Cart Text - The text message that is displayed in the toast notification. In order to display the name of the product that is added into the cart, use
placeholder in the text message.Label for Button to Toggle Cart - The label for the button to toggle cart modal in the toast notification.