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Cart Toggle Button

Cart Modal Toggle Button.

To configure the cart toggle button, the settings can be found inside Cart Modal Toggle Button accordion.

  • Display Cart Toggle Button - Once enabled, at the frontend, floating cart toggle button is displayed.

  • Hide Cart Toggle Button on empty cart - Once enabled, the cart toggle button is hidden when the WooCommerce Cart is empty. Added in v1.0.7.

  • Cart Toggle Button Icon - Select the icon to be displayed on the cart modal toggle button.

  • Button Position - The position of the floating cart toggle button at the frontend.

  • Display Badge - Once enabled, a badge to display the items count id displayed over the floating cart toggle button.

  • Badge Position - The position of the items count badge on the floating cart toggle button.

  • Cart Items Count - The items count to be displayed on the floating cart toggle button. There are two options for it, total items count and unique items count.

If you wish to enable a custom trigger button to open the cart modal, please refer to the Implementing custom trigger button guide.

ShortCode For Cart Toggle Button

Use the shortcode, [gocart_cart_toggle_button], to display custom cart toggle button anywhere you want.

[gocart_cart_toggle_button label="Cart" class="gocart__woo-hello-world" id="gocart__woo-hello-world" icon="icon-2" icon_position="right" display_badge="true" badge_position="top-left"]
[gocart_cart_toggle_button label="Cart" class="gocart__woo-hello-world" id="gocart__woo-hello-world" icon="icon-2" icon_position="right" display_badge="true" badge_position="top-left"]

Following are the shortcode attributes that you can use:


Button Label to be displayed.


Button's CSS class attribute.


Button's id attribute.


Button icon to be displayed. You can set value, icon-1, icon-2, ... icon-12, or none. none is used to hide the icon.


Button icon's position. You can set either left or right value.


Whether to display count badge. Set true to display the count badge, and false to hide.


Position of count badge to be displayed in the button. You can set value, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right.

Go Cart.