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General Settings

On your website's WordPress dashboard, click on the Go Cart menu item. This will open the setting page of the plugin.

The setting page contain two tabs, Settings and Design. The Settings tab contain the general settings of different cart components and the Design tab contain the design related settings of the different cart components.

Activating the plugin will not enable the plugin's functionality. The option, Enable Go Cart, should be enabled. Once the option is enabled, then floating cart button will be visible on the frontend of your website.

In the General section following options are available:

Open cart on add to cart button click

If you enable this option, then the cart model/canvas sidebar will be opened automatically when the user clicks on the Add to cart button.

Open cart on view cart button click

If you enable this option, then the cart model/canvas sidebar will be opened automatically when the user clicks on the View cart button. View cart button gets displayed after the user clicks Add to cart button and the product gets added to the cart.

Hide on mobile devices

If you enable this option, then the Go Cart as well as the Go Cart trigger button will not be visible on mobile devices. To be more specific, the Go Cart will not be visible on devices with screen width less than 575px. This option is added in v1.0.11.

Enable Ajax add to cart on product single

Enabling this option lets user submit add to cart form on product single page via Ajax. This option is added in v1.0.17. Please be advised this is a BETA feature. Please test your WooCommerce product single add to cart button once you enable this option.

There could be scenario where this feature may not work as expected if you are using third party WooCommerce plugins that extends the features of WooCommerce products. If you are facing any issue when this option is enabled then please disable this option.

Remove product from cart if not in stock

Enable this option to remove product from the cart if the product is not in the stock.

Go Cart.